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Biosecurity Resources

Ensuring the health and well-being of poultry flocks requires a collective commitment to biosecurity. Poultry companies and producers of all sizes must actively implement preventive measures to protect their birds from disease. Both industry and governments play a vital role in supporting these efforts.

To minimise the risk of disease introduction on poultry farms, a thorough risk assessment must be conducted for each facility. A farm-specific biosecurity plan serves as a crucial management tool to address identified risks and prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

The ACMF has gathered a range of essential readings, manuals and guides on biosecurity to assist producers in meeting their biosecurity requirements. The video below discusses essential biosecurity protocols in place before visiting a meat chicken farm.


AUSVETPLAN – Avian Influenza


Avian influenza. Version 5.2 (working draft) AUSVETPLAN is a series of technical response plans that describe the proposed Australian approach to an emergency animal disease incident.

The manual contains the nationally agreed approach for the response to an incident — or suspected incident — of avian influenza (AI) in poultry, or cage (aviary) or zoo birds in Australia. It has been developed to guide decision making to ensure that a fast, efficient and effective response can be implemented consistently across Australia with minimal delay.

 Read here

National Farm Biosecurity Manual for Chicken Growers


The National Farm Biosecurity Manual for Chicken Growers provides a minimum set of biosecurity standards applicable to all aspects of meat chicken production from hatchery to processing. This manual covers responsibilities such as documentation and record keeping, facility standards, personnel procedures, and more.

While individual producers and companies may wish to develop their own tailored biosecurity manuals, they must incorporate these minimum standards in addition to any company-specific requirements.

Read here


National Farm Biosecurity Manual for Poultry Production

The National Farm Biosecurity Manual for Poultry Production is a comprehensive guide designed to help Australian poultry farmers implement effective biosecurity measures to protect their flocks from diseases.

It provides a set of minimum standards that all commercial poultry farms should follow, covering various aspects of poultry production, including animal health management, record keeping, biosecurity practices, site selection, and emergency preparedness.

Read here


Site Map

A site map is a visual representation of a property or facility, showing the layout, structures, and key areas.
A site map helps pinpoint areas that could be vulnerable to disease introduction or spread. These might include entry points, water sources, or areas with high wild bird density such as surrounding forrestry. The map can guide the placement of biosecurity measures like disinfectant stations, footbaths, and restricted areas. In case of a disease outbreak, a site map can help coordinate a rapid and effective response by identifying key areas for containment and disinfection.

Click here to view an example of a site map

Production Area Audit Checklist

A production audit checklist is a crucial tool for ensuring the effective implementation of biosecurity measures on a chicken farm.

It demonstrates to auditors  that biosecurity standards are consistently applied across the farm. 

It also helps to identify potential vulnerabilities in the farm’s biosecurity practices. These weaknesses could be related to facility design, hygiene protocols, or employee training.

Click here to view a template checklist

Quarantine Declaration Form

A quarantine declaration form is a document signed by and agreed upon by production area employees to follow the necessary biosecurity protocols. It is designed to minimise the risk of disease transfer by production employees.


Click here to view a declaration form template

Conditions of Entry

Conditions of entry can help prevent the introduction of pathogens, parasites, or other harmful agents onto the farm. These guidelines can include requirements for disinfection, quarantine, or restrictions on visitors.

Click here to view a conditions of entry poster

Water Sanitation Records

Clean, pathogen-free water is crucial for the well-being of poultry and can help prevent the spread of diseases. In the event of a disease outbreak, water sanitation records can be used to trace the source of the infection and identify potential points of contamination.

Click here to view a water sanitation records template

Visitor Logs

Visitor logs are essential for biosecurity on chicken farms because they provide a record of who has entered the premises and when. This information can help identify potential sources of infection, and support disease tracing efforts.

Click here to view a template visitor log


Rodent Control Records

Rodent control records provide a record of rodent control activities, helping to identify infestations early, monitor effectiveness, document compliance, improve control strategies, and trace disease outbreaks. Rodents can contaminate feed and water with their urine and droppings, which can contain harmful bacteria and viruses. Rodents can also introduce parasites into the flock. Common diseases that rodents can transmit to poultry include salmonella, pasteurellosis, and respiratory diseases. 

Click here to view a template rodent control log book

Biosecurity Training

Biosecurity training is fundamental for chicken meat production personnel to proactively prevent disease outbreaks and ensure a state of readiness.

Click here to view ‘Introduction to Farm Biosecurity for Chicken Growers’ course

Click here to view the Farm Biosecurity YouTube Channel 

Click here to view Biosecurity on Poultry Meat Farms

AgriFutures Australia also runs webinars for the industry on the topic of biosecurity, Avian Influenza and other EADs. 

For information on Avian Influenza please visit: